Light, Color Perception and Temperature

This is the second in the series of articles on light. In this article, we will be discussing about how our eyes perceive light, as well as, colour temperature. Previously, we discussed that there are three standards that are used to measure daylight. Of the three, the D55 standard is used for measuring light at noon. Units of Light Measurement Different units are used for measuring light. We will be discussing three of them here. A foot-candle is equal to the light from a candle placed one foot away. A 23-watt bulb produces light equal to that produced by 125 candles. Lumen actually measures the power of light that our eyes perceive. A 23-watt bulb will produce light equivalent to 1,600 lumen. The unit that you should be concerning yourself with is the Lux. It factors in the area that a light source will illuminate. That is why, most public places have their minimum lighting requirement specified in Lux. If all this talk of units has you confused, here is an easier w...